Sunday, May 24, 2009

Quick update

Hey all!

Just a quick update on my progress over here:

I have completed all exams for one load of classes and am about to start my exams for my second load on Monday. I'll have three more exams and one project presentation and then will be done with classes in Uganda. The thesis is moving along; I "officially" submitted it on Friday and am still hoping I might be able to get in the defense before I leave...we'll see!

It's starting to feel like it's the right time to finalize everything. Many of my close friends over here are on similar timelines, and there have been several going-away events over the last couple weeks as people have finalized their work in Uganda and headed back to their home country.

I let myself get distracted from preparing for a final exam that I have tomorrow long enough to wrap up one post that is posted directly after this. I'll try to at least get some pictures from my adventures with the chimps this previous weekend up before I head home.

In the mean time, here is an article that was just included in the NY Times that gives a good description (better than I ever could) of the Nile rafting trip I did last September. The author of the article did a two-day trip (I just did one day), but beyond that we had pretty similar experiences. Well, I didn't have any topless MIT students in my raft...but other than that it was pretty similar :)

I've got 10 days remaining in the country. It's slightly surreal to try and wrap my mind around the past 9 months; I still can't believe that it's almost over!


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